AIT attaches special attention to the cooperation with foreign higher education institutions. One of the goals of the Institute is the establishment of relations with the foremost universities of the world, benefit from the experience of the Russian higher education institutions and expansion of university relations.
The agreements aim training of high-level specialists, development of academic potential, mutual understanding, establishment of academic and cultural relations, development of mutual academic and educational relations based on the principles of long-term academic and educational relations, the application of scientific achievements, exchange of experiences and mutual benefit. The documents focus on the implementation of academic experience and researches, dissemination of academic information on teaching methodology, exchange of organization of educational process, joint projects and programs, student exchange, publication of academic and methodological materials and other related issues.
Azerbaijan Institute of Theology has signed bilateral protocols with Ankara University (Turkey), Istanbul University (Turkey), Marmara University (Turkey), 29 Mayis University (Turkey), Kirikkale University (Turkey), Perm State Institute of Art and Culture (Russia) and Omsk State University (Russia).