Heydar Aliyev’s quotes
By the decision of the Academic Council, Azerbaijan Institute of Theology published a book entitled Heydar Aliyev’s quotes in 21 languages on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev and the 50th anniversary of his coming to power in Azerbaijan.
The book presents quotes reflecting the services of the National Leader, his distinctive contribution to the development of science and education in Azerbaijan, formation of national ideology, unique activities to protect religious, moral and multicultural environment in different languages such as Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Czech, Polish, Serbian, Indian, Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Indonesian, Korean and Portuguese.
The latest publication
Azərbaycanda dövlət - din münasibətləri (dünyəviliyin nəzəri və hüquqi əsasları)
Bakı 2019İslam İqtisadiyyatı
Bakı 2019Heydar Aliyev’s quotes
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2019the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan into Farsi
Baki 2019