AIT holds a seminar on the Translation of the Quran into Different Languages
Azerbaijan Institute of Theology organized a seminar on the Translation of the Quran into Different Languages by Mikhail Yakubovich, Director of the Center for Islamic Studies at the Ostroh Academy, Ukraine.
The seminar, was conducted by Agil Shirinov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation at Azerbaijan Institute of Theology. Mr. Shirinov informed the participants about the seminars and roundtables on various subjects aimed at enriching students’ prospects, intellectual level and spiritual world. Emphasizing the relevance of the topic, Mr. Shirinov mentioned the importance of such events for the development of students’ professional skills in their specialities.
Mikhail Yakubovich, Ph.D in History, Director of the Center for Islamic Studies at the Ostroh Academy, Ukraine, translator of the Quran into the Ukrainian language for the first time, made a presentation on the Translation of the Quran into Different Languages.
Mr. Yakubovich noted that since the origin of the Quran is in Arabic, those who accepted Islam recently felt the need to read the book in their native languages. M.Yakubovic said he translated the Quran into Ukrainian in a language understandable by an Ukrainian reader without changing the true meaning of the text.
Mr. Yakubovich further analyzed the translation examples of Quranic verses in a comparative way.
The event continued with discussions on the subject.