Azerbaijan Institute of Theology published its periodical Theology

22 September, 2020

Azerbaijan Institute of Theology (AIT) published its periodical journal Theology. The journal contains 14 headings and introduces articles by different scholars as well as students and graduates of AIT.

The current issue of the periodical begins with the heading “Official Corner”.

The heading “Society and Religion” introduces articles entitled “Religious tolerance in the Caucasus as a historical tradition”, “Prophecy: defiance”, “Divorce in Islam”, “Sacrifice in Islam”.

The heading “Education” presents articles entitled “Distance learning”, "The concept of “lahn” in Tajweed studies and its connection with namaz”. Patriotism heading includes articles “Armenian character”, “Patriotic consciousness from religious aspect” and “Karabakh is the ancient land of Azerbaijan”.

The heading “Viewpoint” contains articles entitled “Four concepts” and “Sacred holidays in the heavenly religions”.

The articles entitled “Prominent empirical scholars al-Biruni”, “Ibn Haysam as a Muslim researcher of optical problems”, “Genius that introduced Azerbaijan to the world” are presented in the section of “Muslim thinkers”.

Different sections of the periodical present articles entitled “Analytical assessment”, “Islamic Morality”, “Research”, “Literature”, “Patriotism”, “Our Values”, “Word from graduates”, “Smile”.

It should be noted that the journal Theology will be published three times a year by Azerbaijan Institute of Theology.

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